Prior to treatment it is advisable to have eaten, try not to be over tired and avoid alcohol.
First consultation
During the first consultation you will be asked to describe in detail what is troubling you including your symptoms. A number of diagnostic methods are used to get a complete picture of your health. These will include taking a detailed medical case history, reading your pulses and looking at your tongue. From this information a diagnosis and personal treatment plan is formulated.
Treatment involves the insertion of ultra fine, single-use sterile needles into a system of acupuncture points just under the skin. Acupuncture needles are substantially finer than needles used for injections or blood tests. When the needle is inserted you may feel a slight tingling sensation or dull ache.
Acupuncture may be combined with other associated methods of treatment such as moxibustion (the application of warmth to points), cupping, acupressure massage or Shonishin which is a specialised non-invasive, Japanese paediatric acupuncture method.
When appropriate, patients are supported in understanding the nature of their illness and how to take care of their health. This often involves advice about aspects of diet, exercise and lifestyle.
Some people can feel drowsy after treatment in which case you are advised not to drive straight away. Occasionally symptoms get worse after a treatment before getting better; this is usually a good sign. It is important to feedback responses to treatment.
Frequency of appointments
Treatments are usually arranged once or occasionally twice a week to start with. Progress is reviewed regularly and as you feel better treatments become less frequent. The rate of improvement depends on the condition for which you are seeking treatment, the length of time you have been unwell, your overall energy and any factors in your life or environment which may be affecting your health.
Preventive healthcare – hay fever
Traditional acupuncture is also very effective when used as preventive healthcare either at specific intervals throughout the year or leading up to, for example, seasonal hay fever (PDF) time.
Should my doctor know?
If you are seeing your doctor or a hospital consultant it makes sense to tell them that you are receiving acupuncture treatment. Often it can be useful for me, with a patient’s consent, to liaise with other health professionals involved in a patient’s care.
Acupuncture can work safely alongside conventional medicine. Acupuncture treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication but you should always consult your doctor about any change of prescription. Please do not stop taking medication without professional guidance.
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