A magical feast for the eyes of amazing birds, wild flowers, seals and porpoises. With the Summer holiday season starting, this is a fabulous place to visit with children.
Off the coast of Pembrokeshire, Skomer Island is surrounded by some of the richest waters for wildlife in the British Isles. The island itself attracts ground nesting birds and a huge array of wildlife which shelters in its bays and inlets. It is estimated that there are about 6,000 breeding pairs of puffins and 120,000 breeding pairs of Manx shearwaters that nest on Skomer Island.
I visited in June this year when the island was full of the heavenly honey scent of sea campion; the white flowers in the background of my photo. The island is reached by boat which adds another dimension to the adventure.
More information about Skomer Island can be found on this website: www.welshwildlife.org/skomer-skokholm/skomer/